A Horoscope of a native shows the balance carried forward into this life from previous births. The previous existence is the cause and the present life its effect which unfolds slowly but steadily to ensure that no one escapes the universal law of Karma. The Brihadaranyaka Upnishad explains the Karma theory with reference to theory of “Transmigration of soul.”
- The Sanchit Karmas are the total accumulated balance of Karmas done by a native in his all previous births. Such Karmas are divided into two- Prarbdha and Motivation. The Prarbdha is that part of the Sanchit karma, which is allotted for the present life. It has both positive and negative aspects. Many enjoyments & achievements spring from the positive part and unhappiness, failure & sufferings from the negative part.
- The other part of Sanchit karma called Motivation can enter any time in the present life, when a person suddenly does an act which he least suspect he could ever do, it is caused by motivation. The Prarbdha is seen from 5th house and motivation from 9th house.
- The Prarbdha is further divided into three parts- Dridha which just can not be altered like birth & death. Dridhadridh- which may be changed after appropriate propitiation/ remedies assisted by motivation and Samskaars. Adhridha which can be altered by strong will and determined actions. The last two types are the subject matter of astro-remedies.
- The kiryaman Karmas are those which are done by a native during present birth. Part of it is controlled by Prarbdha or fate and part is the area of “free will” of the native. In this limited area alone one enjoys freedom of action as represented by 10th house. It is here that one can make or mar his destiny. The best course is to enjoy / suffer Prarbdha willingly and do good deeds or charities in the area of free will.
- There can be many ways to deal with the bad Karmas of the past. All these are “remedial measures” which are nothing but good Kiryaman Karmas in ample measures, to envelop the bad Karmas preventing their manifestation or alternatively burning the same.
- The planets in Lagna and 7th house give freedom and free will by which one can make a good future by his own merit. If there are no planets in Lagna/ 7th house, the native is totally bound to Poorva Karma or destiny. He has taken birth only to enjoy/ suffer fruits of action done in previous lives. Thus it is the Kiryaman Karmas done through 10th house (provided Lagna/ 7th house has benefic planets) which gives fruitful results of the remedial measures to ward off ill effects of bad planets.
Conclusion :
- One must admit that astrological remedies of any kind have only a limited scope within the overall plan of nature/ destiny. Remember no remedy can be a short cut to success, but it is there to help you tide over a difficult astrological time. Seers of ancient India discovered that the universe is controlled by a ruling process called destiny. It is though generally unalterable, but is responsive to remedial measures like prayers, blessings, planetary oblations, enchantment of hymns etc. it is this aspect of life which I wish to discover, understand and propagate for general welfare.
- Astrology is a divine science through which one can see alabit sketchily what one has to endure and what one can overcome. It will avoid in getting frustrated with series of failures and sink back into utter defeatism.
- In a horoscope destiny / luck is indicated by 9th house and its counterpart Purusharth by 3rd house. Life is a constant struggle of a native for improvement over destiny/ nature. 6th house represents our struggle and competitive nature. 3rd house is 6th of 10th house i.e. it indicates those kiryaman karmas which one does with strong will and belief called Purusharth. The remedies are part of Purusharth as an effort to smoothen the path of destiny. The great progress which the humanity has shown over the centuries is because the individuals have not accepted the destiny as it is; but have put in their Purusharth to change the course of destiny in a gradual but positive direction and that, Prabdha/ destiny and Purusharth/ will power always move together, even if in many cases the former may have a winning smile.