Ma Karmanishta

Ma Karmanishta

Head of Operations

Founding members of Rishitribe and have given unconditional service to the Master’s visions and service to Rishis.

Ma KarmaNishta Coordinates the entire operation of Rishitribe organizing to follow ups.

She is an accomplished Life coach,  Astro therapist and Spiritual Psychologist.

64, 5th Main Rd, Raghavendra Colony,
Chamrajpet, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560018

Light Bearer

Ma Devapushpa

Ma Devapushpa

Pranic Healer
Ma Atmanishta

Ma Atmanishta

Head of Devi Dwani
Swami Satyanishta

Swami Satyanishta

Media Editor
Ma Sanjivini

Ma Sanjivini

Ayurveda Acharya
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